Culver, Sherri and Kerr, P. (2014). Eds. MILID Yearbook: Global Citizenship in a Digital World. NORDICOM/International Clearinghouse on Children, Youth and Media, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
Kerr, P. (2014). Strategic promotion and expansion of information literacy education: Professional development and outreach programmes. In Sherri Culver and Paulette Kerr (Eds.) MILID 2014 Yearbook: Global Citizenship in a Digital World. (pp378-387). NORDICOM/International Clearinghouse on Children, Youth and Media, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
Carroll, M., Kerr, P. Musa, A. & Afzal, W. (2013). Commonwealth of uncertainty: How British and American professional models of library practice have shaped LIS education in selected former British Colonies and Dominions. IFLA Journal 39 (2) 121-133.
Kerr. P. (2013). Theory of action and information literacy: Critical assessment towards effective practice. In SerapKurbanoğlu, Esther Grassian, Diane Mizrachi, Ralph Catts, Sonja Špiranec (Eds.) CCIS. Worldwide Commonwealth Commonalities and Challenges in Information Literacy Research and Practice (pp.429-435). Springer International.
Kerr, P. (2012). Explicit goals, implicit outcomes: Information literacy education in developing university graduate attributes. UWI Quality Education Forum. 18 (Jan):71-88.
Kerr, P. (2011). Victims or Strategists? Nineteenth century female lodging-house keepers in Jamaica. In Verene Shepherd (Ed.) Engendering Caribbean History: Cross Cultural Perspectives (pp. 467-477). Kingston: Ian Randle (republication of previous book chapter).
Kerr, P., Myrtle Harris and Judith Rao. (2011). Eds. School Libraries: Empowering the 21st Century Learner. Proceedings of the 40th Annual Conference & 15th International Forum on Research in School Libraries. UWI, Mona.
Kerr, P.&Verlejs, J. (2011). A new model for evaluating the online tutorial: Does your tutorial reflect your mission. In B. Seitz (Ed.), Blazing Trails: On the path to information literacy (pp.3-12). LOEX Press.
Kerr, P.& Vernon, J. (2003). Jamaica Library Association. Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science 2nd ed. 1423-1435.
Kerr, P. (1995). Victims or Strategists? Nineteenth century female lodging-house keepers in Jamaica. In B. Bailey, B. Brereton and V. Shepherd (Eds.) Engendering History: Caribbean Women in Historical Perspectives (pp.197-212). London: James Curry, Kinston: Ian Randal. [Cited in more than 14 publications]
UWI, Mona Principal’s Award for Outstanding Research Publication (article category), 2012
Travel Award from the Centre for International Scholarship in School Libraries, Rutgers University to IASL Research Forum and Annual Conference, 2009
Teaching Assistant Award, School of Communication and Information, (SC&I), Rutgers University, 2007
Fullbright Faculty Development Fellowship to pursue Ph.D. at School of Communication Information and Library Studies, (SCILS) Rutgers University, 2005
Sherlock-Macmillian ACURIL Award [jointly with Verna George] for Paper and Presentation at 2002 ACURIL Conference, 2003
ACURIL Award for excellence in Information Literacy [jointly with Verna George], 2003
United States Department of State International Visitor Program Fellowship – June –July, 2000