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Halls of Residence Librarian

Monday, December 1, 2014 - 3:45pm

“Bringing Your Library to You!”

ABC |Chancellor | Elsa Leo-Rhynie | Irvine | Mary Seacole |Preston | Rex Nettleford | Taylor


What is the Hall of Residence Librarian Programme?

The Halls of Residence Librarian Programme is a Library outreach programme designed to facilitate First Year UWI students as they begin their university journey. Each hall of residence is assigned a dedicated librarian to provide assistance to new students on all library related issues.

Halls of Residence Librarians are your academic allies. We will contact you throughout the year to keep you informed on library services and events and encourage open communication as a direct point of contact.

Commuting students also have access to this service through the hall to which they are attached.



What can we do for you?

Your Residence Hall Librarian is your “Go-to person” in the library. We can:

•Introduce you to and answer questions about the library and its services

•Assist with navigating the library’s online resources

•Offer advanced research assistance for you or a study group

•Give guidance with using citations styles (APA, Chicago, MLA, ACS & others) and citation management software (ENDNOTE)

•Support you through in-person consultations, email and chat -use ASK- MONA?


ABC Hall
Mrs Faith McKoy Johnson


Also available

: Friday 5.00-9.30pm

935-8437 / Ext-2437/8

Chancellor Hall
Ms Yolanda Tugwell

Also available: Friday 5.00-9.30pm

970-6589/ Ext- 3589


Elsa Leo-Rhynie Hall
Mrs Karen Tyrell

Also available:Wed.5.00 - 9.30pm
970-6576/Ext 3576


Irvine Hall
Mrs Pauline Nicholas

Also available: Tuesday 5.00 - 9.30pm

970-6618/ Ext 3618
Mary Seacole Hall
Ms Jessica Lewis
Also available: Monday 5.00 - 9.30pm
970-6586/ Ext 3586
Preston Hall
Mr. Jerdaine Sterling
Also available:Thursday 5:00 - 9:30pm
970-6578/ Ext- 3578
Rex Nettleford Hall
Ms. Rochelle Davis
Also available: Wednesday 5:00 - 9:30pm (Law Branch Library)
970-6393/ Ext- 3393

Taylor Hall
Mrs. Karlene Nelson
Also available: Monday 5:00 - 9:30 pm (Law Branch Library)
970-6599 ext2599


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