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Interlibrary Loans

The UWI graduate and undergraduate students, faculty and staff may request publications that are not available in our Library’s collection.  They must be willing to pay the charges incurred for accessing the materials from other libraries.  

Journal articles and chapters in books are normally supplied as photocopies, and can be received in some instances within 24 hours. Books which are received by mail normally take 2-6 weeks to be delivered. Once these have been received, patrons will be notified by telephone or email.

The lending institution has the right to determine the conditions of use.

Making an ILL Request

Interlibrary loan requests may be submitted by email, fax, mail and First Search Interface in the databases. 

Mailing address:    
Interlibrary Loans
Main Library
The University of the West Indies
Mona, Kingston 7

Telephone: (876) 970-6395
Email Address:
Fax: (876) 927- 1926
In Person: At the circulation desk (Main Library, Medical, Science, Law and WJC Branch Libraries)


For more information contact the reference librarian at the Main, Medical , Science, Law or Western Jamaica Campus Libraries

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