Lecturers and tutors can request information literacy sessions designed to assist students with the research process. This includes information on how to identify and cite sources, and how to avoid plagiarism. Please make your request at least two weeks in advance. Request Library Instruction here.
Research consultations are offered through the following options:
All students are assigned to a Hall. There is a special reference service offered to first year undergraduates to aid them as they adjust to their new environment. First year students may contact their liaisons - Halls of Residence Librarians - to get advice and assistance on library and research matters.
You may also use in-person options whenever they are available.
Reference services are provided on request to students and staff. There are different options to access these services. You may Ask a Librarian; first year students may contact their Halls of Residence Librarian; Lecturers may contact their Faculty Liaison Librarians.
Postgraduate students may make an appointment through the Mona Information Literacy Unit (MILU) for thesis consultation with a librarian. If you submit the thesis, allow for five business days for feedback. You may send your request to milu.library@uwimona.edu.jm or complete the Thesis Consultation Request Form here.
Postgraduates can also access the UWI Thesis Guide for guidance on how to format their final paper in accordance with UWI guidelines.
The Mona Library is reminding you to avoid plagiarism. Librarians will assist students with citation styles for references and bibliographies. You may Ask a Librarian; first year students may contact their Halls of Residence Librarian; or you may use in-person options whenever they are available.
Web-Based Guides are accessible from our website. Options include:
Mona Library Resources Portal UWIML1 - Provides access to a number of useful resources to guide your research including citation help, video tutorials and prerecorded information literacy sessions to assist you with the research process.
Subject Guides - They cover a wide range of topics.
A-Z Databases Lists - Offers the researcher quick links to databases that cover multiple disciplines with resources such as e-books, journals, reference sources etc.
Video Tutorials - Get help on various topics at any time by accessing Mona Library video tutorials.
UWIlinC is the information portal for The UWI Libraries allowing search and discovery from a single interface. With UWIlinC, you may search information resources in all formats. Sources include UWI's intellectual output, subscribed resources (electronic journals, databases, electronic books) and the catalogues for all UWI campuses.