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West Indies Collection

West Indies Collection includes: Books, pamphlets, theses, microforms and other material in the Humanities and Social Sciences.

Subject Coverage: Humanities and Social Sciences material on the Caribbean; the teaching and research programmes of the University.

Geographical coverage: All the West Indian islands, Bermuda, Guyana, French Guiana (Cayenne), Suriname and Belize and the Caribbean diaspora.

West Indian periodicals in the Humanities and Social Sciences are held in the Periodicals Section of the Main Library. The periodical publications of West Indian governments in those disciplines are to be found in the Government Serials Section. West Indian books, pamphlets, periodicals, government serials and other materials in the Medical and Natural Sciences are kept in the Medical and Science Branch Libraries respectively.

Material from this collection is not available for loan outside of the Section but has to be consulted in the Elsa Goveia Reading Room which is equipped with special facilities for reading microfilms and for consulting rare materials.

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