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International db

CAS Formulus

This integrated workflow tool is built from a human-curated formulation database and helps formulation scientists create products that are safe and effective.


Type of Database: 

CAS Analytical Methods

CAS Analytical Methods addresses the challenges that analytical scientists face such as time pressure, lack of process, lack of method details in literature and limited resources. With this solution it is easy to browse and find methods that may have not existed in or are buried in primary literature.

Type of Database: 

SAGE Journals Trial

Access over 950 Journals on SAGE through to December 31, 2023

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Lexis+ UK

The new platform which provides access to the largest collection of UK law, up-to-date legislation, case law, commentary and comprehensive practical guidance.

Resource: Law Library: 
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vLexJustis is the new platform that combines Justis and vLex content. All of the content available on JustisOne can be found here. Our subscription offers access to the following collections: International Law Reports, United Kingdom Core, Australian Core, Canadian core, Ireland Core and Caribbean Core and CARILAW resources.

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Access to Research for Development and Innovation (ARDI)

This program, coordinated by WIPO, gives access to scientific and technical information.

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GOALI – Research for Global Justice

Provides access to resources (books and peer reviewed journals) from 70 publishers on Law and the social Sciences

Resource: Law Library: 
Resource: Main Library: 
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UNESCO-EOLSS Full Text Documents

UNESCO-EOLSS is an integrated compendium of twenty one component encyclopedias, each covering a large number of disciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary subjects.  Subject areas include biodiversity, biotechnology, tropical biology and conservation management and much more

Type of Database: 

EBSCO eBook Open Access Monograph Collection

The EBSCO eBook Open Access Monograph Collection is a growing collection of 2,700+ open access books from some of the world’s trusted university presses and scholarly publishers including CRC Press, Routledge, De Gruyter.

Type of Database: 

Political Science Complete

Political Science Complete is a full-text research database covering political topics with a worldwide focus, including international relations, political theory and comparative politics.

Type of Database: 


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