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Humanities & Education 50 Select

Mr. Kenneth Ingram

Mr. Kenneth Ingram

Mar 2,1921

Academic Librarian, bibliographer, historian and poet who contributed immensely to the development of librarianship and historical scholarship in Jamaica. His research led to the identification and location of primary historical sources for Jamaica and the West Indies. He served as the Mona Campus Librarian (1971-1981). During his tenure, the West Indies and Special Collections Section was established (1974).


Mr. Noel Vaz

Mr. Noel VazJan 2,1920

Drama tutor, lecturer and theatre pioneer, he was invited by UWI Extra Mural Department Head Philip Sherlock to become the university's second drama tutor. He lobbied the authorities to consider building a theatre and eventually the Creative Arts Centre (CAC) was built (1968). Mr. Vaz, through his three decade association with the Little Theatr Movement, contributed to the development of the national pantomime and Jamaica's theatre arts in general.

Mrs. Alma Mock-Yen, OD

Mrs. Alma Mock-Yen, ODNov 15,1928

Broadcast journalism trainer and radio personality who was amongst a small but very dedicated group of persons who were instrumental in the establishment of distance education at the University. The University of the West Indies Distance Education Centre (UWIDEC), now the Open Campus, facilitated interactive distance teaching and outreach from the Mona Campus to satellite locations in Jamaica and across the region. Mock-Yen has trained a significant number of the region’s present cadre of broadcast journalists.

Professor Barry Higman

Professor Barry HigmanSept 30,1943

Historian specializing in the social and economic history the Americas. During his tenure as Head of the History Department he introduced History Day, the Heritage Studies Programme and the Social History Project. He conducted the first significant archaeological excavation of a slave village in the English-speaking Caribbean at Montpelier in St. James (1972-1983).


Professor Verene Shepherd

Professor Verene ShepherdApr 16,1951

Researcher in Caribbean history noted for the study of the position of women in Caribbean history and society as well as for her public education initiatives and advocacy for making history accessible and relevant to the common man and the youth.


The Hon. Sir Philip Sherlock, OM

The Hon. Sir Philip Sherlock, OM

Feb 25,1902

Scholar and educationist, who was appointed member of the Irvine Commission, which conceived the University College of the West Indies (1945). His signal contribution was the introduction of Extra Mural Studies at the University. This department helped to transform continuing adult education by providing access to certification for individuals who needed to work and study.


Professor The Honourable Errol Miller, OJ CD

Professor The Honourable Errol Miller, OJ Cd

Aug 11,1939

Educator extraordinaire who is the first among local educators to do significant research on issues of race, gender and other social issues as they affected education. He developed the "Theory of Place" out of which the research on male marginalization and other issues have been examined.


Professor The Hon. Mervyn Morris, OM

Feb. 21, 1937

Writer/Poet who is a literary giant and a cultural icon. Professor Morris work continued to appear widely in Caribbean, Commonwealth and British publications and since the late 1960s he has built a solid reputation as a literary critic and essayist as well as one of Jamaica’s leading poets. He is widely known throughout the region and much respected as a perceptive contributor to cultural debate and activity as well as a poet with a wide audience and a reputation for moving and original verse.

Professor Elsa Goveia

Professor Elsa Goveia

Apr 12,1925

Historian who is considered to be the foundation of historiography of the British West Indies. She has authored seminal works on West Indian history, the major ones being; A Study of the Historiography of the British West Indies (1956) and Slave Society in the British Leeward Islands (1965).


Professor Daphne Douglas, CD

Professor Daphne Douglas, CD

Sept 26,1924

Librarian and educator who was the first Jamaican Head of the Department of Library and Information Studies (DLIS). Under her leadership the DLIS, the regional training institution for librarians, began offering post graduate programmes and pioneered the use of computers at Mona.



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