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Office of Student Financing

The following are general guidelines regarding Scholarships and Bursaries available for the academic year:

  • The scholarship application period for the 2024/2025 will be opened from May 1 - June 30, 2024.
  • In order to be considered for any award, a Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 3.0 is expected by most donors; some awards may require a higher GPA and a few may accept a minimum GPA of 2.2.
  • The awards are available to full-time undergraduate students of the University of the West Indies, Mona (unless otherwise stipulated online).  
  • The applicant should only apply for scholarships/bursaries for which the prescribed criteria are met as indicated on each terms of award. 
  • The required status as indicated on each term of award is the academic year that the student will next be registered. For example, if the criteria states "must be in level II", the applicant is expected to be enrolled in level I at the time of applying.
  • Incomplete application forms will not be processed.
  • The completed application form should be submitted to the Office of Student Financing, UWI, Mona Campus along with any supporting documents required by the stated deadline. 
  • Incorrect information provided on the application may be grounds for the application to be rejected.
  • Only application forms with OSF 2024/2025 will be accepted and processed (NOTE THE YEAR STATED ON THE APPLICATION FORM THAT IS BEING COMPLETED)
  • Students will not be allowed to hold two or more awards where together the value exceeds tuition and housing costs combined.
  • You are advised to visit the awards webpage frequently, as updates will be made throughout the year.

Short-listing of applicants for 2024/2025, Interviews and awarding of Scholarships and Bursaries began in July and is still in progress.  Stay tuned for further updates.

See Additional Application Forms Below:

List of Awards

Advent Fellowship Scholarship 

AFUWI Scholarships

Aisha King-Rainford Scholarship 

Ambassador Glen A. Holden Bursary

Ambassador J. Gary Cooper Bursary

Ambassador Sue Cobb Scholarship

Anand and Joan James Scholarship

Anya Schnoor Scholarship- For Jamaican Students studying at St. Augustine

Audrey Roberts Scholarship 

Bespoke - CARIMAC Grant

Bogle's Grant

Bridget Jones and William Mailer Bursary for French Studies Scholarship for Education

CB/UWI 5K Scholarship

CCRIF SPC-UWI Undergraduate 

Daphne Plummer Scholarship - NO LONGER BEING OFFERED 

Dennis Cohen Scholarship  

Digicel Scholarships

Digicel Scholarship (for students with special needs)

Dorcas Veronica Brown Scholarship

Elizabeth Dewdney Memorial Scholarship

Enid Jones- Forrester Memorial Student Grant

Gillian Whylie Scholarship

Gladstone and Hermine Pottinger Memorial Scholarship

Guild Part Time Assistance (P.T.A.) Grant

Hastings Needy Students Grant 

Jamaica College- Mona Heights Scholarship

Jamaica Government Exhibition 

Jamaica National Building Society Scholarships 

Jamaica Police Cooperative Credit Union 

Joan Duncan Foundation for Journalism

Joe Pereira Scholarship (The)

Keith Dewdney Scholarship

Klotz Family Scholarship - NEW

Lainey's Education Grant

Leslie McDonald Memorial Scholarship

LIAJA Retired Members Section Bursary 

Library and Information Association of Jamaica Sholarship

Limners and Bards Limited (LAB) Bursary

Lions Club of Mona Bursary for Students with Special Needs

Mae Mercer Scholarship 

Marlon King Memorial Scholarship for Students with Disabilities - NEW

Nationwide News Network Scholarship for Journalism

Office of Student Financing Scholarship

Patricia Ismond Memorial Award

Patrick & Melainee Logan Memorial Bursary

Pottinger Scholarship for Needy Students

Principal’s Scholarship for Excellence 

PR Belle Educational Grant - Graduates of St. Catherine High only

Ralph & Ricky Lauren Bursaries

The Chris C. Williams Scholarship

The Christine Lee-Baugh Scholarship

The Guild's One of Us Grant

The Jordanne A. Hanlan Memorial Award

The Kala and Joseph Thakur Memorial Scholarship

The Marcia Forbes Scholarship 


The Spanish-Jamaica Foundation (SJF) Bursary for Modern Languages

The UWI Mona Guild Accessibility Grant - (Student with Disability)

The Violet N. Edwards Scholarship

Undergraduate Scholarship in Linguistics - NEW

UWI (Mona)& Community Co-op/Ezra Lewis Memorial Scholarship

UWI Bookshop Textbook Grant For Students

UWI Toronto Gala -Deadline July 7, 2023

UWI Visa Card Scholarship

UWIDEF Undergraduate Scholarships 

WIGUT Bursaries

WIGUT Special Bursaries

Young Jamaican Scholar Book Grant

Advent Fellowship Scholarship 

AFUWI Scholarships

Ambassador Sue Cobb Scholarship

Anand and Joan James Scholarship

Anya Schnoor Scholarship - For Jamaican Students studying at St. Augustine

Bogle's Grant

Burchell E. Brown Memorial Bursary 

Carlton Washington Melbourne Bursary 

CB/UWI 5K Scholarship

Chinese Ambassador's Scholarship

Dennis Cohen Scholarship 

Dorcas Veronica Brown Scholarship

Dunncox Scholarship

Enid Jones- Forrester Memorial Student Grant

Frank L. Myers Scholarship

Gladstone and Hermine Pottinger Memorial Scholarship

Guild Part Time Assistance (P.T.A.) Grant

Hastings Needy Students Grant 

Jamaica College- Mona Heights Scholarship

Jamaica Police Cooperative Credit Union

Keith Dewdney Scholarship

Klotz Family Scholarship - NEW

Mae Mercer Scholarship 

Marlon King Memorial Scholarship for Students with Disabilities - NEW


Lainey's Education Grant

Lions Club of Mona Bursary for Students with Special Needs

Patrick & Melainee Logan Memorial Bursary

PR Belle Educational Grant - Graduates of St. Catherine High only

Principal’s Scholarship for Excellence 

Tastee Scholarship for Law

The Chris C. Williams Scholarship

The Christine Lee-Baugh Scholarship

The Guild's One of Us Grant 

The Michael Haughton Opportunity Scholarship  

The UWI Mona Guild Accessibility Grant - (Student with Disability) 

The Violet N. Edwards Scholarship

UWI (Mona)& Community Co-op/Ezra Lewis Memorial Scholarship

UWI Bookshop Textbook Grant for Students

UWI Toronto Gala -  Deadline July 7, 2023

UWI Visa Card Scholarship

UWIDEF Bursary for the Performing Arts

UWIDEF Undergraduate Scholarships

WIGUT Bursaries

WIGUT Special Bursaries

Advent Fellowship Scholarship 

AFUWI Scholarships

Ambassador Sue Cobb Scholarship

Anand and Joan James Scholarship

Anya Schnoor Scholarship - For Jamaican Students studying at St. Augustine

Bogle's Grant

Bustamante Foundation Scholarship

CB/UWI 5K Scholarship

Danielle Hanson Memorial Bursary

Dennis Cohen Scholarship 

Dorcas Veronica Brown Scholarship

Dr. Earl O'Brien Scholarship 

Dr. Merle Grant Scholarship

Dr. Ronnie Melbourne Memorial Scholarship

Dr. Wycliffe and Mrs. Felicia Lofter Bursary

Enid Jones- Forrester Memorial Student Grant

Gladstone and Hermine Pottinger Memorial Scholarship

Guild Part Time Assistance (P.T.A.) Grant

Hastings Needy Students Grant 

IGL Legacy Scholarship for Nursing

IGL Razai Azard Rahaman Scholarship for Medicine

Jamaica Canadian Association of Nurses Scholarship

Jamaica College-Mona Heights Scholarship

Jamaica Police Cooperative Credit Union

Jeremiah Global Scholarship 

Keith Dewdney Scholarship

Klotz Family Scholarship - NEW

Lainey's Education Grant

Lions Club of Mona Bursary for Students with Special Needs

Mae Mercer Scholarship 

Marlon King Memorial Scholarship for Students with Disabilities - NEW


Medical Technologies Scholarship

Michelle Wilson Memorial Bursary - New 2023/2024 NURSING STUDENTS ONLY

Patrick & Melainee Logan Memorial Bursary

PR Belle Educational Grant - Graduates of St. Catherine High only

Principal’s Scholarship for Excellence

Ralph & Ricky Lauren Bursaries (The)

The Batch 83 Nursing Scholarship 

The Chris C. Williams Scholarship

The Christine Lee-Baugh Scholarship 

The Guild's One of Us Grant 

The Kathleen Taffe Scholarship

The Michael Haughton Opportunity Scholarship  

The North Street United Education Development Foundation Bursary-NEW 2023/2024 NURSING STUDENTS ONLY

The Nyle Stewart Memorial Scholarship

The UWI Mona Guild Accessibility Grant - (Student with Disability) 

The Violet N. Edwards Scholarship

The William McConnell Nursing ScholarshipNEW

UHWI Batch 63 Scholarship 

UWI (Mona)& Community Co-op/Ezra Lewis Memorial Scholarship

UWI Bookshop Textbook Grant For Students

UWI Toronto Gala - Deadline July 7, 2023

WIGUT Special Bursaries

Advent Fellowship Scholarship 

AFUWI Scholarships

Aisha King-Rainford Scholarship 

Alexander "Barclay" Ewart Scholarship for Chemistry

Ambassador Glen A. Holden Bursary

Ambassador J. Gary Cooper Bursary

Ambassador Sue Cobb Scholarship

Anand and Joan James Scholarship

Bogle's Grant

CB/UWI 5K Scholarship

CCRIF SPC-UWI Undergraduate 

CG United Insurance Scholarship

Chinese Ambassador's Scholarship

Daphne Plummer Scholarship - NO LONGER BEING OFFERED

Dennis Cohen Scholarship 

Digicel Scholarships

Digicel Scholarship (for students with special needs)

Dorcas Veronica Brown Scholarship

The Dr. Pauline O. Lawrence and Dr. Carlton G. Davis Scholarship Fund

Edgar Whitely Scholarship

Enid Jones- Forrester Memorial Student Grant

Fullerton-Long Caribbean Scholarship Fund 

Geological Society of Jamaica Scholarship

Gladstone and Hermine Pottinger Memorial Scholarship 

Gregory Vassell Memorial Award

Guild Part Time Assistance (P.T.A) Grant

Hastings Needy Students Grant 

Insurance Association of the Caribbean Scholarship

Jamaica College- Mona Heights Scholarship

Jamaica Government Exhibition 

Jamaica National Building Society Scholarships

Jamaica Police Cooperative Credit Union

JN Life Scholarship

Joe Pereira Scholarship (The)

Keith Dewdney Scholarship

Klotz Family Scholarship - NEW

Lainey's Education Grant

Lions Club of Mona Bursary for Students with Special Needs

Lurline Victoria HoSang Excellence Award -NEW

Mae Mercer Scholarship -Students short-listed for the 2022/2023 academic year

Marlon King Memorial Scholarship for Students with Disabilities - NEW


National Baking Company Foundation Scholarship

NCB Software Engineering Scholarship 

Office of Student Financing Scholarship 

Pottinger Scholarship for Needy Students 

Patrick & Melainee Logan Memorial Bursary

PR Belle Educational Grant - Graduates of St. Catherine High only

Principal’s Scholarship for Excellence 

Ralph & Ricky Lauren Bursaries(The)

Samuel Edward ‘Sticky’ Brookes Memorial Scholarship

Stephen Alleyne Memorial Scholarship (The)

Tastee Limited Scholarship for Food & Beverage

The Chris C. Williams Scholarship

The Christine Lee-Baugh Scholarship 

The Guild's One of Us Grant 

The Kala and Joseph Thakur Memorial Scholarship

The Madge Greenfield Scholarship 

The Mark and Kathleen Newman Scholarship

The Michael Haughton Opportunity Scholarship

“The PK Initiative” Bursary - NEW

The UWI Mona Guild Accessibility Grant - (Student with Disability)

The Violet N. Edwards Scholarship

The VM Investments Limited Business, Maurice C. Robinson Business Management and Economics Scholarship - NEW

University Lodge of the West Indies/Francis Haddon Bowen Scholarship 

UWI (Mona)& Community Co-op/Ezra Lewis Memorial Scholarship

UWI Alumini Association (Jamaica Chapter)  Scholarships & Bursaries

UWI Bookshop Textbook Grant For Students

UWI Toronto Gala - Deadline July 7, 2023

UWI Visa Card Scholarship 

UWIDEF Bursary for the Performing Arts

UWIDEF Undergraduate Scholarships

WIGUT Bursaries

WIGUT Special Bursaries

Young Jamaican Scholar Book Grant

Advent Fellowship Scholarship 

AFUWI Scholarships

Aisha King-Rainford Scholarship 

Al Webb Foundation Scholarship

Ambassador J. Gary Cooper Bursary

Ambassador Sue Cobb Scholarship

Anand and Joan James Scholarship

Anya Schnoor Scholarship- For Jamaican Students studying at St. Augustine

Bogle's Grant

Carlton Washington Melbourne Bursary 

CB/UWI 5K Scholarship

Dennis Cohen Scholarship 

Development Bank of Jamaica Limited Scholarship 

Digicel Scholarships

Digicel Scholarship (for students with special needs)

Dorcas Veronica Brown Scholarship

Enid Jones- Forrester Memorial Student Grant

EY Scholarship

Gladstone and Hermine Pottinger Memorial Scholarship 

Guild Part Time Assistance (P.T.A.) Grant

Hastings Needy Students Grant 

Inez Morrison Scholarship

Jamaica College- Mona Heights Scholarship

Jamaica Government Exhibition 

Jamaica National Buidling Society Scholarships 

Jamaica Police Cooperative Credit Union

Jamaica Stock Exchange Scholarship 

Jeremiah Global Scholarship - NEW

JMMB Bursaries 

JMMB Scholarships 

Joe Pereira Scholarship (The)

K.D. Edwards Memorial Scholarship

Keith Dewdney Scholarship

Klotz Family Scholarship - NEW

KPMG Scholarship in Accounting 

Lainey's Education Grant

Lions Club of Mona Bursary for Students with Special Needs

Lurline Victoria HoSang Excellence Award - NEW

Mae Mercer Scholarship 

Margaret "Peggy" Steuart Scholarship-New award for the 2023/2024 academic year

Mark Williams Memorial Award

Marlon King Memorial Scholarship for Students with Disabilities - NEW


Miss Birdie/Purity Scholarship for Business & Management

MSBM 10th Anniversary Undergraduate Scholarship - NEW - Deadline January 31, 2024

Nationwide News Network Scholarship for Governance

Norbrook Equity Scholarship 

OAS-UWI 75th Anniversary Commemorative Scholarship Fund

Office of Student Financing Scholarship

Patrick & Melainee Logan Memorial Bursary

Pottinger Scholarship for Needy Students (The) 

PR Belle Educational Grant - Graduates of St. Catherine High only

PricewaterhouseCoopers Scholarship

Principal’s Scholarship for Excellence

Ralph & Ricky Lauren Bursaries

Tastee Limited Scholarship for Accounting & Management

Tastee Limited Scholarship for Food & Beverage

The 1980 Management Studies Graduating Class 40th Anniversary Bursary

The Alice Victoria Lloyd Bursary 

The Jamaica Institute of Financial Services (JIFS) Learning Grant - 2024-2025

The Best Dressed Chicken Scholarship

The Chris C. Williams Scholarship

The Christine Lee-Baugh Scholarship 

The Dr Nittala N. Murthy Scholarship 

The Dwayne Palmer Memorial Scholarship

The Fontana Foundation Lucas Therrien Memorial Scholarship

The Frank & Stacy James Scholarship

The Guild's One of Us Grant 

The Kala and Joseph Thakur Memorial Scholarship

The Kathleen Taffe Scholarship

The Leighton McKnight Scholarship - NEW

The Major General Rudolph Green Scholarship 

The Michael Anthony Pickersgill Scholarship 

The Michael Haughton Opportunity Scholarship  - NEW

The Patsy Latchman Atterbury Scholarship  

“The PK Initiative” Bursary - NEW

The UWI Mona Guild Accessibility Grant - (Student with Disability)

The UWI Regional Endowment Fund Scholarship - NEW

The Violet N. Edwards Scholarship

The VM Investments Limited Business, Maurice C. Robinson Business Management and Economics Scholarship  - NEW

UWI (Mona)& Community Co-op/Ezra Lewis Memorial Scholarship

UWI Alumni Association (Jamaica Chapter) Scholarships & Bursaries

UWI Bookshop Textbook Grant For Students

UWI Toronto Gala - Deadline July 7, 2023

UWI Visa Card Scholarship

UWIDEF Bursary for the Performing Arts

UWIDEF Undergraduate Scholarships

WIGUT Bursaries

WIGUT Special Bursaries

Young Jamaican Scholar Book Grant

Advent Fellowship Scholarship

AFUWI Scholarships

Ambassador Glen A. Holden Bursary

Ambassador J. Gary Cooper Bursary

Ambassador Sue Cobb Scholarship

Anand and Joan James Scholarship

Bogle's Grant

CB/UWI 5K Scholarship

CCRIF SPC-UWI Undergraduate

Dennis Cohen Scholarship 

Dorcas Veronica Brown Scholarship

Enid Jones- Forrester Memorial Student Grant

Gladstone and Hermine Pottinger Memorial Scholarship 

Guild Part Time Assistance (P.T.A) Grant

H. J. Fenton Memorial Undergraduate Scholarship in Engineering 

Hastings Needy Students Grant 

Inez Morrison Scholarship

Jamaica College- Mona Heights Scholarship

Jamaica Police Cooperative Credit Union

Keith Dewdney Scholarship

Kevin Paul Akindele Wright Memorial Bursary

Kingston Freeport Terminal Limited Scholarship

Klotz Family Scholarship - NEW

Lainey's Education Grant

Lions Club of Mona Bursary for Students with Special Needs

Mae Mercer Scholarship 

Marlon King Memorial Scholarship for Students with Disabilities - NEW


M&M Jamaica Limited Chance Fund Scholarship

Patrick & Melainee Logan Memorial Bursary

PR Belle Educational Grant - Graduates of St. Catherine High only

Ralph & Ricky Lauren Bursaries(The)

Roger Vezina Memorial Bursary 

The Christine Lee-Baugh Scholarship

The Guild's One of Us Grant 

The Kala and Joseph Thakur Memorial Scholarship

The New Fortress Energy Scholarship 

The Violet N. Edwards Scholarship

The UWI Mona Guild Accessibility Grant - (Student with Disability) 

UWI (Mona)& Community Co-op/Ezra Lewis Memorial Scholarship

UWI Alumini Association (Jamaica Chapter)  Scholarships & Bursaries

UWI Bookshop Textbook Grant For Students

UWI Toronto Gala - Deadline July 7, 2023

UWI Visa Card Scholarship

UWIDEF Bursary for the Performing Arts

UWIDEF Undergraduate Scholarships

Wigton Windfarm Limited Scholarship - NEW

WIGUT Bursaries

WIGUT Special Bursaries

Young Jamaican Scholar Book Grant

Additional Awards (Not administrated by OSF)

The awards listed below are NOT directly administered by the Office of Student Financing.

The application process and additional details may be obtained from the link with flyers or from the respective Donor organization; including their website. 

Please peruse in full and explore all opportunities.


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